> > > how can i print a document in a windows shared
> > 
> > I do that using samba, only samba client is needed.
> > 
> > Olivier
> > 
> can you explaime how?

0) I installed samba from the ports /usr/ports/net/samba

1) I have a shared printer on my windows machine, the printer share is
   named APPLE, as I use win2k, the printer is accessible to the user
   "printer", the win2k machine name is "olivier". I set-up a password
   to protect my win2k printer.

   For win98, it would be the same, but there is not user.

2) I create an entry in /etc/printcap, the entry is like:

# printers attached to users machine (Windows)

3) I create the directory /var/spool/on-printer

4) I create the configuration file /var/spool/on-printer/.config that
   contains (please put the password as defined in 1):

server = olivier
service = APPLE
password = *******
user = printer
domain = olivier

   Note that server and domain are the same!

5) I installed the script /usr/spool/smb-printer. This script works
   for win98 and win2k. It does a little bit of file coding, changing
   CR into CRLF for the files that are not PostScript or PCL.


require "flush.pl";

##  $logfile="smb-print.log";
##  # or $logfile=/dev/null;
##  open LOG, ">>$logfile";
##  print LOG `/bin/ls -a`; 
##  for ($i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {
##      print LOG "$ARGV[$i]\n";
##  }
$loggererr="/usr/bin/logger -i -t print_quota -p lpr.err";
$loggerinfo="/usr/bin/logger -i -t print_quota -p lpr.info";

$mess="SMB print job: -wd ".`pwd`;

for ($i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {
    $mess.="$ARGV[$i] ";

# read the config file
# the config file should consist of:
# server=servername
# service=printername
# password=something (be omitted if empty)
open IN, ".config";
while (<IN>) {
    @t=split /=/;
close IN;

#print LOG `ps auwx|grep perl`;

# read standard input and try to guess if we have a PCL or PostScript file
# or just plain text
# in case of plain text, we should translate CR-> CR/LF
# and add a ctrl-l at the end
open IN, "-";
$t=1 unless $l=~/^([EMAIL PROTECTED])|(%!PS)/;
$l=~s/([^\r])?\n/$1\r\n/g if $t;

#print LOG "$t\n";

$command="|/usr/local/bin/smbclient \"//$ar{'server'}/$ar{'service'}\" ";
if (exists $ar{user}) {
    # we are in Win NT world
    $command.="-U \"$ar{'user'}\%$ar{'password'}\" -W \"$ar{'domain'}\"";
else {
    # we are in win 9x world
$command.=" -N >>$logfile";
#$command.=" -N -P >>$logfile";

# hide the user and password for the LOG


open SMB, "$command";

print SMB "print -\n";
print SMB $l;
while (<IN>) {
    s/([^\r])?\n/$1\r\n/g if $t;
    print SMB $_;
print SMB "" if $t && $last!~/\r\n$/;
close IN;
close SMB;

system "$loggerinfo \'$mess\'";

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