
I have run into a strange problem with ports and cvsup that you may be running into. For some unknown reason I can run a cvsup and it appears that everything has run fine however I show that nothing needs to be updated. Now here is the kicker; If I delete the ports directory (or move it out of the way) and run the cvsup again, all of a sudden there are ten or more ports that need updating. This has happened more than once. I wish someone could explain that problem to me, especially since I never remember that happening on the 4.11 release.


Glenn Dawson wrote:

At 09:39 PM 5/31/2005, Vizion wrote:

>Or can someone point me to some very clear instructions for cvsup, that
>doesn't make a assumptions about me already being a FreeBSD guru?  Does
>cvsups fix my problem?
>Installing a -RELEASE version and then wanting the latest ports seems
>like a common desire, but it is not addressed very clearly.
>Thanks for any help.

I also have 5.3 and my ports tree, which is kept up to date with cvsup, has
version 1.2 of subversion in the ports tree.

One other thing to note is that ports has no branches like src does, so if you cvsup your ports tree you're getting the latest ports as of that moment.

For ports I put the following in /usr/ports/sup and then do cvsup /usr/ports/sup

*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=.
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

Similarly I use this for src:

*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_5
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

make sure to change the "tag=" to match whatever branch you're interested in getting.

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