Hello Chris,

Friday, June 3, 2005, 11:09:53 PM, you has on mind:

> Knut Anish Nordb wrote:
>> http://home.hit.no/~petterse/grafikk/tux_vs_daemon.jpg
>> look what somone did with the bsd mascot:(
>> I want revenge!! ;)

> I dunno - but I see that creature with one hell of a beer belly ... Not
> to mention somewhat large man-boobies

http://hysteria.sk/~danger/pics/FreeBSD_Linux.gif :P

Best Regards,

 DanGer, ICQ: 261701668  | e-mail protecting at: http://www.2pu.net/
 http://danger.rulez.sk  | proxy list at:        http://www.proxy-web.com/
                         | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve!

[ "Bother," said Pooh as he yawned so hard he lost Piglet. ]

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