Well, it's a little comforting to know that it's not just me...and yup, that's about when it started for me: around noon (EST) on Friday 5/3.

Please post if you come up with anything.
I'm also trying to cross-post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


John Brooks wrote:

I am having a similar problem which started on friday at about
noon. This is on four freebsd boxes (4.11) that were updated via cvsup on May 3 from cvsup10, 11, and 12. These four boxes have
been in use for 18 months without issue. I make connections
to ip addresses and not resolvable names, so dns should not be
the show stopper in my case. I have already encountered two
other people experiencing the same type problem, one of which
had updated using cvsup10 in the same time frame as me. The
second has yet to respond.

I am heading over to the clients network now to run checksums
on the source code files. (I have other networks that are not

John Brooks
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 8:55 AM
To: FreeBSD - Questions
Subject: SSH, SSL and DNS headaches

Can anybody provide me with some insight into this before I rip all of my hair out:

Starting 3 days ago, suddenly it seemed to take a very, very, verly long time for ssh and ssl communications to negotiate between nodes on my network.

I have 3 subnets:

a LAN (
a DMZ (
a secured subnet for databases (

I have 2 DNS/Bind servers running in the DMZ: 1 for the public web servers that get NAT'd, and provide public DNS lookups for the outside world. The other DNS server is for internal queries, providing the cooresponding private IP addresses to LAN clients and servers in the DMZ and secure subnet. Both sDNS servers are running FreeBSD (one is 5.2.1, the other is 5.3)

Everything has been working great for months, until, like I said, 3 days ago. Some SSH negotiations were taking so long that they would time out before I would have a chance to enter the password for my private key. Apache/SSL communincations are also taking a long time. But when I make intial connections over port 80, it is very fast. I have also been able to make straight postgresql connections from nodes on my LAN to database servers in my secure subnet, but if I ssh to and from the same boxes....slow timeouts. It seems to be that encrypted traffic is having a problem.

The weird thing is that when I tried on a couple of servers to change the DNS server in resolv.conf from the internal (private IP address) DNS server to the public server, it seemed to speed things up. But I don't understand why....why would it be faster if a lookup reply is providing the external PUBLIC ip address instead of the internal PRIVATE ip address? And I also don't understand why this would have just suddenly started 3 days ago after working fine.

All the subnets are seperated by a Cisco PIX 515 firewall, and I see no errors on it. I also see no errors on any of my FreeBSD boxes in the logs (other than the SSH timeout errors). I've tried rebooting the PIX, rebooting my DNS servers, rebooting all the equipment on my communication rack (router, firewall, switches, etc.). I'm really confused.

One thing that has helped is that on 5.3 boxes, I put "UseDNS no" in sshd_config, and that seemed to help the SSH problem (but no Apache/SSL). I can't do this on all the boxes, though...some are 5.2.1, and when I put the same directive in there, I get an invalid config message when I try to restart SSH.

Thanks for any help on this. I am going insane.

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