On Jun 7, 2005, at 6:33 AM, Andreas Davour wrote:

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Anthony M. Agelastos wrote:

Hello all,

I am encountering the following message on my root window:

Jun 6 14:18:53 ast kernel: stray irq7
Jun 6 14:43:42 ast kernel: stray irq7
Jun 6 18:18:47 ast kernel: stray irq7
Jun 6 19:29:47 ast kernel: stray irq7

I have noticed these stray irq messages periodically, but cannot isolate what is causing them (the only mention of irq7 in dmesg relates to my printer (parallel printer port)). In the past, they popped up quickly prompting the message that there were too many stray irq7 and that it wouldn't log them anymore (I forget the exact wording). This appears to be a new problem (it hasn't happened that I know of since one of the last 2 times I have re- built world (I tend to update thrice every two months)). In case it is needed, I am running CUPS and have the appropriate (or so I've been told) options in my make.conf file (see it below). Does anyone have any ideas? I did some searching and came up with nada. Below I show my uname as well as dmesg and make.conf. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I don't know much about this, but I have recently added a printer on my own machine, with the parallell port. I've had some problems getting my printer to work, and have gotten many odd messages on the console about IRQ problems. Using polled or interrupted mode for the port seemed to make a major difference for me.

This is something that I encountered some time back.

http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/htdig/freebsd-questions/2005-April/ 084211.html

That fix made a big difference to me. I am going to try a suggestion on there (after having re-read it ) and rather than use 0x28, I am going to give 0x20 a try (this seems highly related to your suggestion). If this does not work, I am going to read up on lptcontrol per your suggestion and see if there is anything that I am missing. Thanks for the info. If the 0x20 does work, I will re-post to this list, but since the messages I was receiving took hours for each one to appear, I will have to let it sit there for a while.
So, do you get any new messages, or less, from using polled/ interrupted mode? Check the man page for lptcontrol for details on changing the mode.
At first, I received no messages after doing the fix mentioned above. Perhaps as 5-STABLE matures, things are changing prompting a few more of these messages to come out.

It's just a thought, but might provide more hints on what's wrong. Maybe.

Note that it doesn't matter if you write it in a device.hints file or compile a kernel with polled settings, since the acpi setting will hijack it anyhow! You'll have to use lptcontrol.


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