On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Henry Miller wrote:

On 6/8/2005 at 10:13 Tony Shadwick wrote:

On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Henry Miller wrote:

Oooh....good call on the vpn.  Set it up to where they have a local
and local home directory, vpn in.  Okay, so now I'm on the network,
presuming the pptp server was authing against OpenLDAP or NIS.  Add a
script to that login that mounts any NFS shares, and quite possibly
does a
quick rsync against a server to back up the home directory.  Problem
if they didn't "nicely" disconnect, then we don't know who's copy
needs to
be updated, the local copy or the remote copy. :\

Can you setup subversion or some other.   As a programmer I don't
backup my home directory at work because all my important work is kept
in CVS anyway.
(or it is a work in progress from today, and wouldn't be on a backup
if there was a crash)  The CVS server is backed up, and I check in

Teaching management to use it will be hard.  However if yours are among
those [few] who get it, they will love you for giving it too them.  MS
Word doesn't allow diffs against documents, but perhaps you can teach
subversion to diff OpenOffice.org (or whatever you use) files.

It is a long shot, but it solves your problems, and although more work
is also a net gain.

I suppose I should give a plug for the company I work for as well:
Our rocketVault with continuous backups (basically rsync) can backup
your laptops when they are in the office.  Since most laptop uses don't
roam between machines they don't need the shared home directory so much
as a backup.   It is a completely different solution than the one you
are thinking of, but it might solve the laptop problem good enough, and
let you worry about other issues.   (www.intradyn.com)

Thanks, I don't mind the plug either. I'm working out and documenting solutions to these types of issues right now. It is still just theoretical, adn not an actual customer need, but I see it going that direction as soon as I try to implement it in a live environment.

Do you guys have your software in the ports tree for easy installation? :)

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