On Tuesday 14 June 2005 03:14 pm, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 10:05:05AM -0500, Joseph Koenig (jWeb) 
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm having a difficulty getting PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP
> >> connections on FreeBSD 5.3. I have edited 'postgresql.conf' in my
> >> postgres data directory to set the listen_address (and uncommented
> >> it) and have the port line uncommented and set to the default
> >> 5432. I then restarted the postmaster and tried to connect. I get:
> >>
> >> could not connect to server: Connection refused
> >>         Is the server running on host "xx.xxx.xx.xxx" and
> >> accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
> >>
> >> I can connect from localhost just fine.
> >
> > You need to set listen_addresses, like it says in the comments:
> >
> > listen_addresses = '*'
> >
> > This will allow Postgresql connections from all interfaces.
> I have already tried setting the listen_addresses to * and the actual
> IP. Neither of which has worked. I restarted the postmaster both
> times using the script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, and by using pg_ctl.
> Even tried starting postmaster with pg_ctl -i. Nothing seems to be
> working. I have double-checked all of my pg_hba.conf settings, even
> though the error doesn't indicate that is the problem at all.
> Anyone else have any ideas at all? Thanks,
> Joe Koenig
> Production Manager
> jWeb New Media Design
> http://www.jwebmedia.com/
> 636.928.3162

Have you checked the firewall settings on both computers to ensure that 
port 5432 is open?

Andrew Gould
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