I have a problem with very slow printing after replacing 4.1 instalation
with new 5.4 instalation (clean install, not upgrade). The printer is HP
4L, and i use it with up to date CUPS (all packages + gimp-print). With
both CUPS ang gimp-print drivers and default port settings the dokument
printing speed is about 8k each 1 minute (acording to CUPS web interface).
There are no error messages from the kernel. With hint.ppc.0.falgs="0x20"
or "0x80" there is the same effect.

With hint.ppc.0.falgs="0x20", "0x40", "0x48" and "0x88" CUPS web interface
shows taht first 32k are sent instantly. Then 'Interrupt storm detected on
"irq5: lpt0"; throttling interrupt source' kernel error message apears and
the rest of the document prints slow, as in the first example.

I tried this with several standard and HP bidirectional cables. I also
tried all possible BIOS settings for the port.

The old 4.1 instalation prints without problems.

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Hello. I am new to FreeBSD, so if anyone else has better advice on this matter, please chime in. The only things I can think of are:

1. hint.ppc.0.falgs= is what you typed above twice. Make sure that this is not misspelled in the device.hints file (it should be flags... not falgs).
2. Try 0x28.
3. Read a thread from the archives in April 2005 entitled "Very slow printing with stock FreeBSD5.3 + CUPS + Gimp-Print + HPDeskJet612C" ( http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/htdig/freebsd-questions/2005-April/thread.html#84258 ). In there, they mention having to possibly remove a line and possibly adding another one. They also mention some other drivers that might work better for you. 4. Try going through lptcontrol. Chapter 9 of the FreeBSD Handbook goes over this a bit. http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/printing-intro-setup.html

I hope this helps. And, if anyone else has any ideas, please add 'em. Good luck.

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