On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 02:42:28PM -0500, Kliment Andreev wrote:
> > How do I get a count of the files in directories?  I need to be able to 
> > get a listing of the number of files in a directory and counts for the 
> > files in each sub-directory.
> % ls -l | wc -l            (In a directory)
> % ls -lR | wc -l             (Including sub-directories)

Or, if you are looking for subtotals, something close to this might be
helpful.  Beware that this will include a count for the "." and ".."

$ for dir in `find . -type d`; do echo $dir ; ls -l $dir | wc -l; done

There is probably a better way to do this.


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