Nicholas Henry wrote:

FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE (GENERIC) #0: Fri Nov  5 04:19:18 UTC 2004

I have apache2 running which I installed from ports. All is running
well. I would like to install the proxy module. As I'm relatively new
to FreeBSD and Unix I'm not sure which is the best way to go. Is there
a way to change the config options before doing a make. How do I do
this so I add to the existing config options with out "overwriting
them". Can you do this with ports?
I'm not quite sure what you are asking. If you are asking "how do I get make to remember the configuration options I used last time" then the easiest answer is to use sysutils/portupgrade and put your options into /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf (which is pretty self documenting when you edit it). Some ports now put the options you used in /var/db/ports/{portname}/options, but apache2 doesn't seem to be one of them yet. So if you didn't make a not of what you picked, you'll have to work them out all over again :-(

If you are asking how to re-install apache2 without overwriting changes you made to httpd.conf, then the safest way is to make backup copies before deleting the package and reinstalling. (Easy with portugrgade -f option). Actually, I think the port is clever about this and won't remove the config file if you have changed it, but I'd make backups anyway.

Personally, when installing a complex port like apache2, I always try to be generous about what modules etc I compile, and try to include stuff I *might* need even if I have no use for it yet. Only experimental stuff gets left out. Saves a lot of grief when you suddenly find a use for proxying :-) Disk space is nearly always cheaper than time.


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