
I've resently installed freebsd 5.4 on to my HP omnibook 4150, i've got
the sound working and everything else setup perfect.

Or so i thought, the sound is fine unless i want to do something, if i'm
just scrolling in firefox it causes the sound to kinda of jump or skip,
i've tried different apps to play the music and it seems to do the same
on every app. (xmms, beep-media-player, mp3blaster and mpg123) the only
one that didnt skip as much was mpg123.

The skips only seem to happen when there is some type of activity on the
computer, disk, network or screen. I dont know if i have missed
configuring something or i just need to apply some type of patch...

The spec of the laptop is:

P2 300Mhz,
6Gb Hard Drive,
Sound and graphics is a neomagic 256AV, but using the cs4231 driver, as
the neomagic driver locks up the laptop in freebsd and linux.

Thanks for any advise in advance :)
>From Grant.

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