Benjamin Sher wrote:

Dear Alex:

Thanks so much for your help.

I did try it, went into Post Installation Config, Label, etc. But at the top
there was no information whatsoever about any disks. Zilch. No slice, no
partition. Nothing.

Any idea what's going on?
I'm sorry, I meant to type "slice" editor not "label" editor. I was thinking slice, but my fingers disagreed :-( When you enter the slice editor it should allow you to pick a disk. I'm not sure, in the end. whether you had one disk (with Windows and BSD) or two disks (one with windows, one with BSD). In any case, I think you have to write the Boot Manager to both.

Pick the first disk and it should give you a screen displaying the slices (DOS-style partitions). In fact you need to do nothing more than type "W" here and it will ask you if you want to install the Boot Manager. Select the First option (BSD boot manager) and press return.

If you have two disks, then press Escape, deselect the current disk by pressing space, move down to the second disk, hit enter and repeat the procedure.

I just confirmed the procedure on my own Windows/FreeBSD disk and it worked just fine. So assuming the rest of your installation did go OK, this should do it.

Good luck, and let us know when (not if!) it works for you.


PS I have copied freebsd-questions on the reply. You're better off directing followups there, even when replying to the person who's helping you. They may not have the answer that you need, or might even be in another time zone (as I suspect I am). It might also be that someone else has a better answer! Also, it means that any answers you get are recorded for posterity in the archives, where hopefully they can be found by someone else having similar problems.

PPS At some point, someone may chide you for top-posting -- that is, putting your followup question at the top of your email rather than at the bottom. The reason is that it is easier to follow the thread of a discussion if you can read through it chronologically from top to bottom. It takes a little more mouse-wheel scrolling sometimes to see the new material, but is generally easier than reading the end of the message and then having to scroll back to the beginning.

Thanks again.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alex Zbyslaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Benjamin Sher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "FreeBSD-Questions Questions" <>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: After Install -- Where is FreeBSD?

Benjamin Sher wrote:

Dear friends:
All that's missing now is FreeBSD. After completing my install, I
exited. FreeBSD exited normally, then rebooted. But no sign of
FreeBSD. Instead, Windows came up. I do recall choosing to have a
boot manager but never actually saw the screen and boot-up options.
So, I went back into Free BSD by switching back to the CD in my Bios,
but that's as far as I dare go on my own. What should I do? Am I
missing something?
I don't know why the boot manager isn't installed, but it's very easy to
install it again.  Boot from the CD, select Post Installation Config,
then select the disk Label editor.  Pick the first slice and make it
bootable (S) then W to write you changes and you are asked if you want
to install the boot manager.  Say yes.

Quit out and reboot, taking out the CD.  While I'm getting things to
work I usually leave the floppy and CD as BIOS boot options before the
hard disk.  Once I know it all works, I fix the BIOS to look for the
disk first.  If you don't have a bootable CD or floppy in the drive,
then the system boots from disk.

This is from memory, but I'm pretty sure it's correct.  As long as you
do nothing other than making a slice bootable, then you should do no

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