I'm currently running 5.3 (security patched via freebsd-update). I'm intending 
to update to 5.4 - and this is my first attempt at the buildworld etc. process.

I've cvsup'ed my source tree, and stepping through the instructions in the 
handbook I note that it recommends running make buildworld with -DNOPROFILE (or 
specifying it in make.conf). I'm not clear what the impact of running profiled 
libraries is against non-profiled libraries. I've done a quick search via 
google and through the list archives without success.

Could anyone explain the difference for me briefly so that I can make an 
informed choice?

My first post to the list - although I've been lurking for a while. Apologies 
if the formatting on the email isn't too good. I'm mailing from work which uses 
Outlook 2000.

Thanks for any advice.

Peter Harrison 


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