On 27/06/05, Bart Silverstrim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 27, 2005, at 11:14 AM, Alistair Sutton wrote:
> >> I get mime_decode-1 FAILED errors in the amavis logs.
> >
> > I'm guessing that may have something to do with one of the perl mime
> > modules but I've no idea which one (helpful aren't I? ;-)
> Well, it helps to know that someone is guessing what I'm guessing :-)

At least you don't have go mad on your own ;-)

> > I know that portmanager should handle the upgrade without any issues
> > but I've not managed to have enough time to let my system work through
> > all the perl-dependent ports yet.
> >
> > You could use 'portupgrade -fR amavis' to rebuild all the ports that
> > amavis depends upon as well as amavis itself. That should work things
> > out in the right order and rebuild everything so that all dependecies
> > are sorted.
> I'll try that one...but I should probably run portupgrade -fR
> amavisd-new, no?

Good point ;-)

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