On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 21:54:16 -0400
Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Grant wrote:
> [ ... ]
> > I dont know if this is the right choice for me, but all i really
> > want is a small simple and fast httpd for running a php forum and
> > thats about it.. nothing else. 
> If you're looking for a small, simple, fast webserver, consider
> thttpd.
> If you are looking for a small, simple, fast webserver, forget about
> trying to  use server-side includes, Perl/mod_perl, PHP, or any other
> scripted language,  especially if they are talking to a database.  A
> large PHP BBS requires a lot  of resources because it is not
> especially efficient way of solving the problem.


Thanks for the reply, 

I've looked at thttpd before and never really thought anymore about it,
is it easy to add in php support for that on FreeBSD, i know under some
linux's you can choose to manually add php to it and then install it
from source, but if i was to do that on FreeBSD i wouldnt get the nice
tracking of versions that i get from ports.

The only reason i'm moving from apache is that apache has started (well
proberly did but i didnt notice) eating large amounts of ram, even when
idle, as i type this there is 4 apache processes using 29mb each, now
when there is a few people on my forum/site that goes up to around
12processes again all using 29mb which adds up to being quite a big
chunck of my ram. (384mb just for apache).

So i either want to get php working on a smaller httpd or maybe fix

I've tried limiting the number of servers it starts and how
many it can go up to and changing how long the timeout is for the
processes, but the ram usage has only come down slightly.

Thanks again.

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