Hello FreeBSD lovers,

In the current FreeBSD ports, squid-2.5STABLE10 has a patch that allows
it to run without dying even though it does not have access to

This access is important where squid is running in a transparent proxy

I am running several FreeBSD 5.x boxes with squid in transparent proxy
mode, so this problem is a big one for me.

The patch seems to be a workaround, but I'd really like to give squid
access to this device anyway.

My thinking was that I can solve the problem of access to /dev/ipnat
using /etc/devfs.conf. However, my reading of the comments in this file
does not give me any clear method of achieving what I want.

Am I right in my thinking that /dev/ipnat device is created on the fly
in FreeBSD 5.x? As such I cannot change the permissions on it, yes?

How do I solve my problem, if anyone can advise me? It will server as
my first lesson with devices in 5.x.

Thanks in advance.



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