On Thu, Jun 30, 2005 at 02:09:49PM -0500, Jorge Mario G. Mazo wrote:

> I am sorry
> it's not portupgrade -a what fails is portsdb -Uu
> here is the info
> ========= refuse file =====
> ports/arabic*
> ports/polish*
> ports/portuguese*
> ports/hungarian*
> ports/chinese*
> ports/french*
> ports/german*
> ports/polish*
> ports/hebrew*
> ports/japanese*
> ports/korean*
> ports/russian*
> ports/ukrainian*
> ports/vietnamese*
> =======================
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports]# pkgdb -F
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports]# portsdb -Uu
> Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp -
> please wait..p5-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.09:
> "/usr/ports/japanese/p5-Jcode" non-existent --
> dependency list incomplete
> ===> converters/p5-Unicode-MapUTF8 failed
> *** Error code 1
> 1 error

Presumably it said more than this in the part of the error you
omitted, namely it told you not to try building an index if you have a
partial ports tree.  Use 'make fetchindex' instead, update your
portupgrade or stop trying to use a partial ports collection.


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