On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 02:10:23PM -0500, Paul Schmehl wrote:
> I have a question about portupgrade.  I have been running portupgrade -ai 
> on my workstation, and several upgrades failed.  I traced all the failures 
> to one of two things; a security problem or XML-Parser was missing. 
> However, XML-Parser was installed.  pkgdb -F returned with no complaints 
> and pkg-info shows that XML-Parser was installed.
> I deinstalled and reinstalled the p5-XML-Parser port, and now all the ports 
> that failed because of that port are upgrading properly (gnome-desktop, 
> gnome-menus, metacity, ggv, gnome-themes, gedit, gdm, gal2, filerolller, 
> eog, nautilus-cd-burner, evolution-data-server, evolution, gnome-panel)
> What is the cause of this?  Is there an easier way to correct the problem? 
> Re- register the port?  (If so, how do you do that?)

You probably updated perl incompletely.  See /usr/ports/UPDATING.


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