Hey all --

Am reading through http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla as these
messages came in.

Going on third recommendation for this :
> Freebsd installer guide. www.a1poweruser.com

THANKS! I have it already !  ;-)  Downloaded & ready to read off-line
for the next couple of days.  Have also grokked through
ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/doc/en/ for articles & handbook. 
Sketching out install strategy for multi-boot systems .. .but will
post those as separate questions as I formulate them.

Using postal mail to Latvia isn't a tech problem ... it's a small cost
and time nightmare.  If there was something I really wanted or need
mailed, sure, but the economics here are near first-world prices at
third-world wages, so throwing money away is not a good survival
strategy.  And, waiting around three or four weeks for mail to arrive
(maybe even unmolested by the postal workers) just isn't time

Current update is that I seem to be connecting via ftp .. it looks
like I was leaving a trailing slash on the URL as pasted from the web
browser.  Have now established ftp connections to a couple of mirrors
& ready to go with the one w/ best speed; looks like 30 Kbits/sec is
max for the region.

FileZilla looks like the way to go.  If I don't have my ISO's within
15 or 18 hours, I'll ask again.  Just now getting FileZilla DL'd &
installed & learning the interface enough to get it going with the
resume feature active.

Sorry, but got side-tracked by the London bombings today.  Got a
couple of friends working there I'm trying to get ahold of.  No joy
yet.  I know the odds are in their favor ... but I also lost an
acquaintance in the WTC on 9/11, so I'm a bit distracted.  Tech is fun
& career, but that's 2ndary to friends.

Thanks all for jumping in to help out !  Hopefully I'll be a
contributing member before too much longer.  More serious questions
regarding multi-boot systems and dual-processor kernal configuration
are about to follow.  Trust me on that ...


  --  datora
serfing the stream electric
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