Ah, yes... sorry for the poor answering earlier. eterm, aterm and xterm all handle terminal coloring very nicely, with eterm being the most resource hungry of the three terminals listed previously.
        My apologies for the confusing prior answer.

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Scott Robbins wrote:

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On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 02:40:09PM -0400, Hakim Singhji wrote:
Hi All,

I am going to install FreeBSD 5.4 on MS Virtual PC. My PC (IBM
Thinkpad R51) only has 256MB of RAM available. I do not want to
install Gnome or KDE however I would like the benefits of colors in
text editors, backgrounds, etc. as this is going to be a testing
environment for application development.

What is the best way to go about doing this? In VPC I allot
approximately 96MB of RAM for the Virtual Machine and I was thinking
256MB for virtual SWAP (would that even help... the default is like
166MB for 96MB of RAM... or something like that.

If I understand your question, you'd like a window manager that is
pretty light but has the ability to do backgrounds and the like.
Both rxvt and aterm are lightweight xterms that can show backgrounds as
they run--there is also eterm, but it's more resource intensive.

As for the window manager itself, I like fluxbox, and it's considered
relatively light.  There is weewm, which can have a background
image--actually, I think most of them can now, using xsetbg.  Fluxbox
has fbsetbg which will set a background, but does require some other
program to do that--some people use feh, xv and xli are two other
programs that can work with fbsetbg to set your background.

I hope I've understood that aspect of your question.  If not, apologies
for wasting your time.

- --
Scott Robbins
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