ok from what ive figured out is  that kernel option WITH_LEGACY_GPU_SUPPORT
is highly unsupported for the 5.x kernel


my usual suggestion is to use the driver from nvidia.com, nvidia is very
friendly to the open source community - so they have drivers for
freebsd. ive used it myself and agp support works great.

now -  for actually getting back into your system:

do you have a back up kernel handy in your operating system?

i know depending on how things are orginally set up when you install a new kernel the makefile copies the original kernel folder (/boot/kernel) to /boot/kernel.old and
/boot/kernel is replaced with the new one.

when you boot up freebsd and you get to the boot screen - select option number 6. then
enter the following commands:
>load /boot/kernel.old/kernel

let me know if you make it into the OS and if you do - be sure and remove that nvidia option!
ok i hope this help let me know of your status.

Adam Stroud wrote:


I updated my nvidia drivers from the ports collection (Using the
WITH_LEGACY_GPU_SUPPORT option to add support for my GeFroce2 GTS). During the upgrade process, my machine rebooted on it's own and now
when I boot I get the following error message:

FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #0: Fri Jun 24 23:25:37 EDT 2005
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/APS_KERN i386

kernel trap 18 with interrupts disabled

fatal trap 18:  integer divide fault while in kernel mode

instruction pointer              = 0x8:0xc689f8c
stack pointer                     = 0x10:0xc1020c88
frame pointer                     = 0x10:0xc1020c9c
code segment                   = base 0x0, 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                                       = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags                = resume, IOPL=0
current process                 = 0 ()
trap number                      = 18
panic:  integer divide fault
uptime: 1s

Anyone have any ideas?


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