On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:

> Varshavchick Alexander wrote:
> > Can it be so that kernel maxusers=768 value being more than 512 leads to
> > spontaneous system freezes which can take up to several hours when the
> > system is just sleeping (only replying to ping) and doing nothing else,
> > not allowing to telnet or anything. The system is 4.5-STABLE with much RAM
> > (4 Gb) and the box has a heavy enough traffic so a bunch of other kernel
> > options have been increased:
> [ ...  settings ... ]
> With these settings, and that much physical RAM, you should set
> your KVA space to 3G (the default is 2G); have you?
> Most likely, you are running out of KVA space for mappings.

No, I didn't do it, and I'm not sure how to perform it, can you please
advise? Thanks a lot!

> -- Terry

Alexander Varshavchick, Metrocom Joint Stock Company
Phone: (812)118-3322, 118-3115(fax)

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