Quoting Bruno Gallant who wrote on Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 03:02:55PM -0400:

> We are redesigning our DNS infrastructure, which has been running on
> BIND with the regular flat files for years, and there would be a need
> for the data to be in a database. (postgresql or mysql, of course)
> I looked around the ports to find powerdns, but I don't know if it's
> good or not.

It's different from bind (this can be good or bad depending on your
perspective). It has a good track record in performance, especially for
large setups where database use would make for easier administration.

I know there are a lot of happy powerdns users and an active developer

> On a similar thread, does anyone know of any dns server software that 
> would serve different IPs depending on where the query/request comes from?
> i.e., - resolve www.mydomain.com to the IP of my server in AU for all 
> clients querying from AU,JP and HK. Everyone else should get the IP for 
> my server in US.

Powerdns can do that using the geo backend. Wikipedia uses powerdns with
geo backend.


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