
On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 03:13:50AM +0400 or thereabouts, Andrew P. wrote:
> Erm, well 60+Mbytes is no wonder in a Gigabit environment (and it is
> too much of a wonder in a FastEthernet one), but I'm interested in
> getting 100Mbit hardware to work at full speed.

  If I take that your "NE2000 $10 NIC's" is what you call 100Mbit
  hardware, then.. would you mind if I ask: what do you expect more from
  such $10-harware other than just to flicker and to eat electric current?
  Use *real* 100Mbit hardware please :). BTW I have same performance
  with my sis900/rl8139 NIC's.


martin hudec

   * 421 907 303 393
   * http://www.aeternal.net

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