On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Paul Root wrote:

> Hi,
>       I used to have this working then I reimaged my
> Windows 2000.
>       Anyway, I have Windows 2000 on the C: (first partition)
> and FreeBSD on the second. VMWare is installed on Win2000. FreeBSD
> is 4.7-Stable of not that long ago.
>       If switch the active partion to be the FreeBSD
> partition it boots fine. However, I get a failure if I
> go thru the NT boot loader.
>       I copied boot1 from /boot to C:\ and called it bootsect.bsd
> I do a sum on FreeBSD and on Win 2000 (cygwin what a lifesaver) and
> They come up the same:
> proot@PTROOT /cygdrive/c
> $ sum bootsect.bsd
> 30147     1
> proot@PTROOT /cygdrive/c
> $ cat boot.ini
> [boot loader]
> timeout=5
> default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT
> [operating systems]
> multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
> Professional"
> /fastdetect
> C:\bootsect.bsd="FreeBSD"
> C:\="Microsoft Windows"
> What am I doing wrong here? I tried copying the file to a peerless
> drive when just booted in FreeBSD and then moving it over with Explorer,
> then I copied it in FreeBSD, gzipped it, copied it over, gunziped it in
> cygwin and used mv in cygwin to rename.
> Sorry, I'm not currently on the list, don't have time to read. Any help
> would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Paul.
> --
> Paul T. Root                    E/Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 600 Stinson Blvd, Fl 1S               PAG: +1 (877) 693-7155
> Minneapolis, MN  55413          WRK: +1 (612) 664-3385
> NIC:    PTR                     FAX: +1 (612) 664-4779

Just use bootpart, and run it under windows.  Tell it which partition is
your FreeBSD one, and it will create the appropriate bootsector file (and


Marco Radzinschi

Thu Dec  5 20:17:38 EST 2002

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