On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 11:30:34AM -0500, Chris Collins wrote:

> I have a very simple question that I cannot seem to find a simple 
> answer for.
> I would like to have all SMTP delivered mail to (Box A)relayed to a 
> external mail server (Box B) for delivery then have the mail delivered 
> to its destination.
> User A send mail  ---- Box A)  ---- relay to 216.X.X.X 
> (external server Box B) for delivery ---- to destination host.
> Is there any simple way to do this? I am not sure how to relay the mail 
> from box A to Box B

Define box B as the smart host in box A's /etc/mail/`hostname`.mc:

    define(`SMART_HOST', `boxb.your.dom.ain')

If `hostname`.mc doesn't exist, typing 'make' in /etc/mail will
generate a default version.  After editing that file, simply:

    cd /etc/mail
    make install restart-mta

to generate the modified sendmail.cf and load it into the sendmail MTA

Simple enough for you?



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
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