Thanks for the good answers.

But can anyone tell me why the capacity is going negative? and not full?

> Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ar0s1e    248M   -278K    228M    -0%    /tmp

Thanks a lot


On 8/14/05, Glenn Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 12:18 PM 8/14/2005, cpghost wrote:
> >On Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 12:09:19AM -0700, Glenn Dawson wrote:
> > > >2. How come /tmp is -0% in size? -278K? What had happened? as I have
> > > >never experienced this in the previous installs on the exact same
> > > >hardware.
> > >
> > > Not sure about that one.  Maybe someone else has an answer.
> >
> >This is a FAQ.
> >
> >The available space is always computed after subtracting some space
> >that would be only available to root (typically around 5% or 10%
> >of the partition size).
> The default is 8%.
> >  This free space is necessary to avoid internal
> >fragmentation and to keep the file system going. Root may be able
> >to "borrow" some space from this (in which case the capacity goes
> >below 0%), but it is not advisable to keep the file system so full,
> >so it should be only for a limited period of time.
> The reason for having the reserved space is to allow the functions that
> allocate space to be able to find contiguous free space.  When the disk is
> nearly full it takes longer and longer to locate contiguous space, which
> can lead to performance problems.
> >In your example, you're 278K over the limit; and should delete some
> >files to make space ASAP. Should /tmp fill up more, it will soon become
> >inoperable.
>  From the original message:
> Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ar0s1e    248M   -278K    228M    -0%    /tmp
> This shows that /tmp is empty.  If the reserved space was being encroached
> upon, it would show > 100% capacity, and available bytes would go negative,
> not bytes used.
> It would look something like this:
> Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1a    248M    238M    -10M   105%    /
> I've never seen the capacity go negative before, which is why I suggested
> someone else might know the answer.
> -Glenn
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