On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 10:58:36AM +0100, Alex wrote:
> Dear/Beste David,
> Wednesday, December 4, 2002, 4:39:33 AM, you wrote:
> > If i have a dual boot system of Win2k and FreeBSD at which the Win2k 
> > is on a NTFS partition will I beable to use Wine and VMWare with this 
> > win2k? or does the partition have to be FAT or FAT32?
> > Dave
> There is a NTFS reader, but i think the work on the NTFS writer is
> still in progress. You can try NTFS and see if it works for you. The
> safe bet would be to use FAT or FAT32.

I installed Win2K on FAT32 exactly so I could access it in Linux
and FreeBSD.  My email, for example, is stored on Win2k's C: drive.

My mail agent is VM in emacs, which stores messages in a platform-
independent format.  It is equally easy to access my email from
whichever OS is booted: Windows, Linux, or (when I solve my irq
problem) FreeBSD.

Since I'm the only one that uses my machine and it's behind a
separate firewall, I don't need the protection NTFS offers.


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