Randy Pratt wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 15:34:44 +0100
> "Charles Smyth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I wondered if anyone can advise me about how to get screen shots /
>>grabs of the FreeBSD installation screens as shown in the online
>>manual, etc. I can use The Gimp’s resources to do screen shots with
>>everything installed, but this wouldn’t be available at the
>>installation phase. 
> The screenshots in the Handbook were done with vidcontrol:
>       vidcontrol -p < /dev/ttyv0 > shot.scr
> See vidcontrol(1) for further detail.  There are also tools in the ports
> tree (graphics/scr2png) if you need to convert to PNG format.
>       scr2png < shot.scr > shot.png
> Most of the screenshots were taken post-installation.  There are a few
> screens which have different content post-installation than during
> installation and those were edited with editors/hexedit to reflect the
> exact display at installation.
> A few of the screens were captured using the headless install technique
> described in the Handbook in "Advanced Installation" since
> those screens don't display when running Sysinstall after installation.
> HTH,
> Randy
I allways wondered how they did that! now I can hop through some
installation tutorials for some locals.
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