On 2005-08-26 13:01, "Brian W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Fri, 26 Aug 2005, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>>On 2005-08-26 12:36, "Brian W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Right.  Now, if it's not too much trouble to ask, please run the
>>>> following commands and show me the output.  You don't have to be
>>>> root when these are run:
>>>>    # cd /etc/mail
>>>>    # diff -u sendmail.mc `hostname`.mc
>>>>    # cat sendmail.mc
>>>>    # ls -ld /usr/local/bin/procmail
>>> ok, my listing shiows different filenames.
>> Yes, yes.  Pardon the mindslip.  I was sitting on a Solaris machine and
>> forgot we call our template sendmail.mc file ``freebsd.mc''.
>>> > pwd
>>> /etc/mail
>>> > ls
>>> Makefile                freebsd.mc              mailertable.sample
>>> README                  freebsd.submit.cf       relay-domains
>>> access.sample           freebsd.submit.mc       sendmail.cf
>>> aliases                 helpfile                submit.cf
>>> aliases.db              local-host-names        virtusertable.sample
>>> freebsd.cf              mailer.conf
>> I don't see a `hostname`.mc file here :-/
>>> > ls -ld /usr/local/bin/procmail
>>> -rwsr-sr-x  1 root  mail  76828 Aug  1 04:22 /usr/local/bin/procmail
>>>This is a box that went right from 5.3 release to 5-stable.

Nothing weird here.  My procmail executable even has the same size :-)

>> It seems you have no local `hostname`.mc file, so you probably lost some
>> changes in the mergemaster run of the update.  Can you check out the
>> differences of your ``/etc/mail/freebsd.mc'' file and the one that is
>> part of the source tree, at ``/usr/src/etc/sendmail/freebsd.mc'' ?
> No difference sir..

If we assume that you did generate your current sendmail.cf from the
source version of freebsd.mc, then this looks a lot like a procmail
ruleset problem.  I'll take another good look at your procmail rules,
but in the mean time can you try with a minimal .procmailrc and see
if this unbreaks it all?

        $ cd
        $ cp .procmailrcA dot.procmailrc~
        $ echo 'DEFAULT="$HOME/Mailbox"' > .procmailrc

If that works, then we are certain that the old rules are broken.

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