On Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:34:43 +0200
Erik Norgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a PC with two hard drives, one (master) dedicated FreeBSD the 
> other (slave) dedicated XP. The XP was preinstalled, and to avoid any 
> confusion, I disconnected the disk while installing FreeBSD.
> Now, I'd like to configure the FreeBSD boot manager to dual boot. In the 
> menu, I can choose FreeBSD or Disk 1, but choosing the latter does not 
> boot XP. How do I postconfigure the boot manager?

Windows, including XP, wants to boot off the C-drive (the first boot
device that is). So either you switch your drives OR you setup the BIOS
to boot of the SECOND hardrive first.

dick -- http://nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.11-stable ++ FreeBSD 5.4
+ Nai tiruvantel ar vayuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu vilja
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