On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 10:21:39AM +1100, Andrew Cutler wrote:
> Unfortunately the answer presented itself very soon after posting the
> message.
> I pulled the hard drive out of the box, and tried to format it in a
> Windows machine. It occurred to me that the drive had not been formated
> and therefore had not had data written to all parts of the disk. 
> Half way through the format I got an 'Unsafe removal of device' message,
> and upon reboot the drive was TOTALLY dead. 
> It would be nice if FreeBSD had a SMARTY utility - it would have allowed
> me to possibly detect this failure. I've been told that work is underway
> to write one and it might be ready for 5.0.

Mmm. Well to pass on something I do with every new disk I buy. If I do
not have it already I get the diagnostics for it from the disk
manafacturers website, which they all have for free. I then run all the
tests on the disk and format it. These are almost always standalone boot
images that fit on a DOS floppy. Later on it is always handy if you
suspect disk problems -- then you can run the non-destructive drive tests
as well.

I do as many other kinds of test as possible on new hardware before I
start using the machine (usually one I am buiding) -- on the fairly well-known 
principle that anything electronic or electro-mechanical usually fails 
early in it's life if it is borderline.

[ As an aside this is harder with memory, the famous Memtest86 program gives false
positives on certain hardware combinations and on certain tests. ]

   Cliff Sarginson 
   The Netherlands

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