Hey guys had a SSH forward question so here goes...

I have 2 computers on my lan one of them is a server and the other is my desktop.


Now I have port forwarding setup on my crappy linksys router so 22 is pointing to my Server (

My question is this...

I would like to tightVNC to my Desktop ( forwarding it through SSH. Now from what I understand If my router was pointing to my desktop this would not be a problem at all. All I would have to do is SSH to my IP while forwarding 22 to 5900. However I cant do it this way since 22 is pointing to my server. So I figured I would ssh into my server and issue a command such as ssh -L22: however once im in and I run vncview it obivoiusly can be displayed becuase Im not running X on the server. Am I way off here? Is there a way to do this? Will I need to forward 22 on my router to the desktop as well as server? Is there a way to connect to my server thats not running X and some how vnc into my desktop?

On the remote machines I'd be useing PuTTY for windows and SSH on Linux box's. Prehaps someone can give me a step by step guide?

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