On Mon, 5 Sep 2005, David Kelly wrote:
I had a very similar problem a while back. After replacing the drive in question, then replacing the motherboard, I discovered it was a power issue. The power supply was freaking out at medium to high loads, which was causing the device to continually reset.

On Sep 5, 2005, at 1:56 PM, Michael Abbott wrote:
Well, I hope that's not it.  I'm encouraged to think not:
Yeah But... Power supplies wear out. Particularly the capacitors.

I have seen every single component replaced in denial that the problem could be related to the power supply. Then the PS was finally replaced because it was the only thing which had not. And the problem was the PS all along.

Well, I do have another reason for thinking that it's nothing to do with the power supply: a bit of history I didn't mention (because it's long and not particularly interesting).

When I first installed this machine (a bit over three years ago) I used the offending disk together with another disk of the same model. I first used the motherboard hardware RAID (using striping for speed, more fool me) on the motherboard and installed FreeBSD. It broke, really quite quickly (within a week or so).

I blamed the RAID controller and tried again, this time using vinum. The system survived quite a bit longer (can't remember how long, a month or so maybe), but suddenly failed quite horribly: I lost all data. I retired the two disks and started again, and the resulting system has run sweetly for three years.

Recently I brought the two disks out of retirement, and one of them seems most unhappy (as described). I'm strongly persuaded (convinced, even) that that one disk is dodgy. I think I'm going to have to bin it, unless somebody can come up with a way to reliably molycoddle it.

I still think the question: "why does FreeBSD hang?" is interesting.
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