On 09/06/05 at 05:07PM, Igor Robul wrote:
> Bryan Albright wrote:
> >G'morning all--
> >
> >I've got a minor issue when I try to rotate my squid logs:
> >
> >%squid -k rotate
> >squid: ERROR: Could not send signal 30 to process 660: (1) Operation
> >not permitted
> > 
> >
> You are not working as root or user squid.

I appreciate the feedback, but yes, actually, I am:

% id
uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel), 5(operator)

and the ID squid is not available for use:
% su - squid
This account is currently not available 

(which I believe is as it should be. (user squid was installed from
the port install)):
% grep squid /etc/passwd
squid:*:100:100:squid caching-proxy pseudo 
% squid -k rotate
squid: ERROR: Could not send signal 30 to process 85847: (1) Operation not 
%  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/squid.sh stop
squid: ERROR: Could not send signal 15 to process 85847: (1) Operation not 
Waiting for PIDS: 85845 85847 85845 85847 85845 85847 85845 85847^C

I have to kill the PIDS by hand to restart squid.




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