Like it was any surprise, this was a stupid user trick.
When I install FBSD, I install bash and call bash in .cshrc for root, rather than changing the root shell in vipw. That way, if bash broaks, I'm still left with a root login that works.

Apparently, that is what was causing the script to never return completely, leaving me in single-user mode. Removing my call to bash from .cshrc fixed that problem.

On the lighter side, I had another problem that I solved at the same time as well. With ipfilter_enable and ipfilter_rules in rc.conf, ipf wasn't loading all of my rules in that file. ipfstat -io didn't output the same amount of rules that were in my rules file.

Calling ipf -Fav manually did the trick and ipfstat -io showed all of the expected rules.

Changing ipfilter_program/flags to include -Fav -f allowed all of my rules to be loaded at boot. This was the same rules file I used on the previouw 4-STABLE install.

Not sure if that was a change in IPF, or what, but at least it's fixed.


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