
I am managing a FreeBSD 4.11 server which is currently running PHP 4.3.11. The server was originally installed in 2003 with an older version of PHP and libiconv 1.8. All software has been installed from FreeBSD ports. Over the time PHP has been upgraded several times, but libiconv has remained untouched:

mail# pkg_info | grep iconv
libiconv-1.8_2      A character set conversion library
php4-iconv-4.3.11   The iconv shared extension for php

There was a time when PHP's iconv() function definitely worked on this server, but now it seems to have a problem. I copied and pasted this simple test script from www.php.net:

echo iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", "This is a test.");

When I load this script via the browser, PHP outputs nothing. I have error logging set to file only, and in the log file there is this error:

[07-Sep-2005 12:10:07] PHP Notice: iconv(): Unknown error (0) in /storage/www/iconvtest.php on line 2

This is the only error I see in PHP's error log or any other logfile with similar timestamp.

The iconv extension is loaded and can be seen in output of phpinfo().

I read that sometimes on FreeBSD you need to use libiconv() instead of iconv(), but this is not the case here - when I replace iconv() with libiconv() I get "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: libiconv()".

I can successfully run iconv from command line:
$ echo This is a test. > iconvtest
$ iconv -f "ISO-8859-1" -t "UTF-8" iconvtest
This is a test.

Is it possible that my problem is caused by anything *else* than iconv library being out of date compared to PHP's iconv extension? If I need to update libiconv, I also need to update lot of things that depend on it, and this takes some time. If there is some quicker way to get PHP's iconv extension functional, I'd prefer to use that for now.

Toomas Aas --------------------------------------------------------
|arvutivõrgu peaspetsialist | head specialist on computer networks|
|Tartu Linnakantselei       | Tartu City Office                   |
----------------------------------------------------- +372 736 1274

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