On Wednesday 07 September 2005 06:33 pm, Rem Roberti wrote:
> Beecher Rintoul wrote:
> >On Wednesday 07 September 2005 05:08 pm, Rem Roberti wrote:
> >>Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> >>>On 2005-09-07 17:29, Rem Roberti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>Thanks to all that answered my questions about xterm.
> >>>>
> >>>>One more question and then I'll quit for the day.  I have created a
> >>>>cvsupfile to use with cvsup, and it contains a docs-all line, which is
> >>>>used to update the doc repository.  However, both of the books that I
> >>>>have on FreeBSD state that the docs are contained in the /usr/doc
> >>>>directory.  No such directory exists in my 5.4 installation.   Where
> >>>>did that directory go?
> >>>
> >>>The docs-all collection fetches the documentation sources (SGML, XML and
> >>>the Makefiles needed to build & format the docs).  Are you sure it's
> >>>this that you want?
> >>>
> >>>To tell you exactly where the doc sources have gone, we have to see the
> >>>supfile though.
> >>
> >>Thanks for your reply.  Here's the file:
> >>
> >>*default tag=RELENG_5_4_0_RELEASE
> >>*default host=cvsup1.FreeBSD.org
> >>*default base=/var/db
> >>*default prefix=/home/ncvs
> >>*default release=cvs
> >>*default delete use-rel-suffix
> >>*default compress
> >>src-all
> >>ports-all
> >>doc-all
> >>www
> >>cvsroot-all
> >>
> >>Except for adding the initial tag, I just copied this supfile from one
> >>of the examples.  It probably leaves a lot to be desired.
> >>
> >>Rem
> >
> >Your cvsupfile should look like this:
> >
> >*default  tag=RELENG_5_4_0_RELEASE
> >*default  host=cvsup3.freebsd.org
> >*default  base=/usr
> >*default  prefix=/usr
> >*default  release=cvs
> >*default  compress
> >*default  delete use-rel-suffix
> >src-all
> >doc-all
> >ports-all tag=.   <----- Note the period
> >
> >That will update your local /usr/src, /usr/doc and /usr/ports. Ports
> > always need to be tagged head otherwise cvsup will just delete your ports
> > tree. Change *default host to a mirror close to you. You don't need www
> > unless you plan on mirroring the freebsd website, nor do you need
> > cvs-root.
> >
> >Enjoy,
> >
> >Beech
> Thanks very much, Beech.  As you can tell, this is all new to me.  Once
> having run cvsup with the above supfile, do I then have to do something
> with the cvs command?

No, running cvsup with that cvsupfile will update all of your local sources. 
You might want to delete /home/ncvs as that is taking up a lot of disc space 
and you don't need it unless you're planning to run your own cvs mirror, or 
you're planning on tracking multiple branches. Just stick with cvsup, it's 
much easier to use than CVS. Take a look at the handbook. It has a lot of 
info pertaining to what your doing. You might want to be tracking RELENG_5
as your default tag. That's the 5-stable branch which will contain bug fixes 
etc that are not in the release. RELENG_5_4_0 is just a snapshot of that 
release with only security updates. Always read /usr/src/UPDATING before 
building / installing it will save you from potential gotyas.


Beech Rintoul - System Administrator - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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