Hello David,

On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 07:50:14AM -0700 or thereabouts, Vizion wrote:
> Seeing as I am in the process of trying to build a resource to help victims 
> of 
> the Katrina disaster your tone of  correspondence, and speed of engagement, 
> has the unfortunate effect of reminding me about FEMA.
> There are two bugs in the makefile and one other issue that causes problems, 
> so it is not surprising that some degree of traffic was generated. 
> Seeing as the two bugs appear to be in your php Makefile and that other 
> people 
> have helped me resolve them on the mailing lists, it is not surprising you 
> have received, not only the private email, but also the listmail which 
> tracked how others responded, while you sat back quietly. I even wondered 
> whether you were a victim of Katrina and were therefore unable to function 
> for that reason.

  Please try to be professional and try not to let emotions get rule
  over you. Reminders of Katrina all the time are imho absolutely
  irrelevant and I considered them to be purpose-made. I do have respect 
  for all the work that is being done during these hard times. So should
  you have respect on other hand on work and time of others, who are
  willing to give their time and resources to solve your problem. Maybe
  he was not sitting back quietly, maybe he was with his dying father in
  hospital. You don't know. So do not make wrong assumptions.

> When one is trying, against a background of some urgency, to solve bugs, and 
> there is no feed back from the first responder, then those who are 
> resourceful turn to the appropriate mailing lists. 

  Appropriate mailing lists are meaned by you to be every possible lists that
  contain php and/or freebsd in their name? For example: your mail with
  query around www/phpbb makefile in freebsd-hackers@ - what the heck
  has freebsd-hackers@ to do with this mail? Shouldn't be freebsd-ports
  more appropriate?

> If you feel like upset by the amount of traffic that you receive then you 
> might consider dropping some of the mail lits to which you subscribe, and use 
> the time you save to at least acknowledge requested bug reports and other 
> emails sent directly to you. In which case you would have had no reason to 
> have complained about the traffic and I might have had some chance of getting 
> a genuine and thoughtful response from you.

  This is absolutely arrogant of you to say that one should drop off
  from some maillists. This was not his problem but yours. You've
  spammed. And spammers usually are banned. If you are not able to solve
  it by yourself and if you are not able to respect others on these
  lists, then please do consider to outsource these task you are solving
  to other professional who will think before asking help from others.

  But as I am reading your mail from Thursday about Stupid working too
  late.. on [EMAIL PROTECTED] I would give you one advice: get some
  rest and sleep. You are working under too much stress to be able to
  handle it and you need to rest obviously. That is my feeling while
  reading your emails. Please do not feel offended. 

  I apologize to everyone for being too off-topic here.

        good luck with your efforts,

martin hudec

   * 421 907 303 393
   * http://www.aeternal.net

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   Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

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