On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 10:59:34AM +0200, Lars Lindblad wrote:
> New problems with FreeBSD 5.4 on my IBM Thinkpad 600E:
> 1. I try to get the sound to work, but I never manage
> to make! I have tried to recompile the kernel, as described 
> in the FreeBSD Handbook I chapter 8. First I found a website 
> dedicated to Thinkpad600E and FreeBSD 4.7, but the lines 
> presented there didn't work. Instead I went to chapter 7 in 
> the handbook where it describes how I will change the kernel 
> to work with a Crystal 4232 Soundcard, so I guess I got the 
> right lines for the kernel. But when it comes to building 
> the kernel it says that it doesn't know devices with the 
> names pcm or csa. So, I am kind of stuck... HELP!

How do you know it doesn't work? Because you don't hear anything?

1) Make sure you have a sound driver loaded. To see if ou have a sound
driver loaded, try 'cat /dev/sndstat'. If that returns 'No such file or
directory' there is indeed no sound driver loaded.

I'm not sure is the 4232 is supported. Grepping through the sound driver
sources, I see the following CS chips: CS4281, CS4610/CS4611,
CS4280/CS4614/CS4622/CS4624/CS4630, CS4615

No 4232 to be found.

2) IIRC, the output volume is set to 0 when you first load a sound
driver. You can change that with the 'mixer' program, e.g. 'mixer vol 50'.

> 3. The network I try to build is just a small LAN at home, 
> with computers (my 2.2GHz) and .2 (my 600E) 
> involved. Could I give them other names? Could I be use 
> Terminal or Konqueror to reach them from each other?

You can give them names by setting the hostnames on each in
/etc/rc.conf. Add the IP addresses with the corresponding hostnames to
/etc/hosts on both machines, and check that /etc/nsswitch.conf contains
a line 'hosts: files dns', so that the names can be resolved to IP

To chare files between the two PCs, set up an NFS share on the desktop
that you can mount on the laptop.

R.F.Smith (http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/) Please send e-mail as plain text.
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