I could try and post fragments, but I'd probably mess it up.

The full tarball is at:


and I to duplicate the problem I recommend:

 % tar xzf ...
 % cd ntp-4.2.0b
 % mkdir A.foo
 % cd A.foo
 % ../configure
 % make

and it will soon die in ntpd/, at which point:

 % cd ntpd
 % make -n ntpd-opts.c

should show it trying to run autogen to produce ../../ntpd/ntpd-opts.c
(which exists and should have "proper" timestamps with respect to its
dependencies), and:

 % gmake ntpd-opts.c

should say the target is up-to-date.

If you want me to try and help debug this another way I would be happy
to do so.

Thanks a bunch...

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