Erik Norgaard wrote:
> Ugo Bellavance wrote:
>>     I'm running 5.4, freshly installed.  I installed dovecot for IMAP
>> and I
>> want to be able to access it remotely using a port forward in ssh.
>>     The problem I have is that whenever I access my mailbox via IMAP,
>> trough the ssh tunnel, I can't access the resource.  It says: connexion
>> refused.  From my internal network, IMAP access works fine.
>>     I tried port-forwarding HTTP instead.  The situation is even worse
>> there: it freezes my ssh session.
>>     I looked in the various logs and didn't find anything.  I uncommented
>> the line
>> AllowTcpForwarding yes
>> in sshd_config, and restarted sshd, but nothing changed.
>>     Any ideas?
> How do you establish the tunnel? Please send the full command with options.
> Cheers, Erik

I'm connecting from a windows box, using putty.

in the SSH > Tunnels section of the connexion, there is:

L80     192.168.x.x:80
L143    192.168.x.x:80

192.168.x.x is the IP address of the server on which I connect to, and
that has the dovecot server installed.


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