I am grateful for all the assistance I've received to date from this list ... I'm going through a bunch of baptism by fire stuff on FreeBSD - I've used it for basic file sharing, intranet stuff, EASY stuff before. Now, however, I keep getting asked for more robust things.

We have been having some ... disagreements with our webhost. Basically, we want him to enable password protection on a site, and he doesn't want to figure out how to do it. I emailed him everything he needs, but he can't be arsed, apparently. I even asked him to email me his config file and I'd update it and send it back - he could then diff it and then update it based on my changes. What would it be, five lines? 10? It wouldn't be much, based on apache's site. Still, no response.

Because of our unique relationship with him, my boss feels like the best alternative for now would be having me put up a webserver based on FreeBSD. It'll need PHP and MySQL, which I think I can figure out.

I've run apache sites before - 1996 - 2000 I was part of the IT staff of a small website building/hosting company. However, I've never set a box up for internet use myself, and the internet is a vastly different (read: more hostile) place than it was then. This box is basically going to be on its own on the internet. Is it enough to run a firewall like pf and go through the steps outlined at http://www.bsdguides.org/guides/freebsd/security/harden.php before putting it up to be assaulted?


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