Lisa Casey writes:

>  Now I seem to have both bind 8.4 and bind 9.3 installed. Probably
>  not a good situation.

        True.  :-)

>  What I suppose I ought to do is to uninstall the bind 8.4 and
>  keep the bind 9.3. How do I do that? I have never worked with
>  ports before (although I think I'll like it once I get used to
>  it).

        1) Make a copy of the bind 9 configuration directory.
        2) Uninstall the bind 8 port.
        3) Rebuild "world" per Handbook chapter 20.4.  This will
reinstall bind 9.

>  Also - and this is a biggie. named and apache do not start on
>  bootup and I NEED this to happen. I have asked for help on this
>  on this list and on the bind usenet group and implemented the
>  syggestions I got but if I reboot the box named and apache do not
>  start. I have to start these manually.
>  When I reboot I see this in /var/log/messages:
>  Sep 21 17:02:00 netlink named[291]: starting (/usr/local/etc/named.conf). 
>  named
>   8.4.4 Thu Sep 15 16:42:34 EDT 2005 
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/dns/
>  bind84/work/src/bin/named
>  Sep 21 17:02:00 netlink named[291]: limit files set to fdlimit (1024)
>  Sep 21 17:02:00 netlink named[291]: can't open '/usr/local/etc/named.conf'
>  Sep 21 17:02:00 netlink named[291]: can't open '/usr/local/etc/named.conf'

        Assuming the file esists, this smells like a permissions issue.
        May we see a directory liting for the file, like this:

-rwx------  1 root  wheel  3346 Sep 19 01:19 named.conf

        As for apache, may we see a directory listing for everything in

                                Robert Huff

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