On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 10:27:36 +0200, Erik Norgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Complete format
Wrote these words of wisdom:

> Hi,
> A month ago I started getting problems with a disk, and bought a new one 
> to save as much data as posible. Now, I'd like to try to do a thorough 
> format of the old disk to clear any disk errors and see if this may make 
> it usable.
> Is there a program that can analyse marking bad sectors unusable and 
> true format the disk?
> Thanks, Erik

On 9/26/2005 4:44:24 AM, Gerard Seibert Replied:

Gibson Research <grc.com> has a program called 'SpinRite'. It can
analyse a HD and attempt to repair, or if that is not possible, lock out
any bad sectors. It will create a bootup CD or disk that you use for the

The best way to run the program would be to first use the basic format
program that came with your your OS. You might consider running fdisk
/mbr prior to running the format program. It will rebuild the master
boot record. I actually needed to do that one to get a disk to book
correctly. Then, after the format program, run the SpinRite program to
complete the operation. Run SpinRite at level 5, the highest one, for
the most complete checkup.

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