On 9/24/05, Gordon Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got two FreeBSD 5.4 machines. One is a server, the other is a
> desktop.
> I've mounted on the desktop the /usr/ports directory from the server. My
> idea being that I could share the one /usr/ports directory amongst my
> machines and save disc space, and also save having to recompile everything
> whenever I install a port.
> My problem is that, if I do a "make" on one machine, I can't then do a
> "make install" on the other machine. (When I try, nothing happens)
> I haven't mounted any of the directories from under /var/db (e.g. pkg,
> ports)
> Is what I'm trying to do possible ?
> If so, what am I missing or doing wrong ?

Like others have already told you here, the best solution
is packaging. There is a problem though - you can't make
a package without installing the port first.

If you're using portupgrade the whole thing is very simple.
You mount /usr/ports from your file server on every client
machine, and 'setenv WRKDIRPREFIX /usr/local/mywrk'.

Then you just always run portupgrade with the -p switch
on your fast machines, and use -PP (double P) switch
on your slow machines. If they are all of single architecture
and you don't put some very custom stuff in /etc/make.conf,
it'll all work completely hassle-free.

You'll also want to ensure that portupgrade uses the same
ports db driver on all machines. dbm_hash is probably the
most portable one, so you can place
    ENV['PORTS_DBDRIVER'] = 'dbm_hash'
in /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf on every machine.

>From then on you can "portsnap fetch && portsnap update \
&& portsdb -uUF && portupgrade -arRF" every morning,
"portupgrade -aprR" on your build boxes, "portupgrade -arRPP"
on your other boxes - and then just relax sit back and enjoy
the magical feeling of being up-to-date.

Andrew P.
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