
I cannot seem for the life of me, to get a server removed from the DSBL 
( open relay list.  Here's the short and skinny:

DSBL will sends an email to abuse or postmaster @ the ip address of the server 
listed.  The current sendmail server rejects the attempts from DSBL to send an 
email to the account:

Result: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 <postmaster@[]>... Relaying denied
Giving up on

I stood up a FreeBSD server in its place to accept (or so I thought) emails to 
abuse or postmaster at the IP address and then send them onto my regular email 
address.  This /works/ when I send from a webmail account or a pop account to 
abuse@theserveripaddress.  But, when sending from DSBL, I still get the same 
error message.

I dunno what else to do.  Im a Linux/FreeBSD newbie and am trying to work my 
way through this, but, we host 30+ domain email accounts on this box, and we're 
still getting a lot of rejects because we're still blacklisted by DSBL.

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance, I know this is long.

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