Wright Jim Contractor 14MDSS/SGSI wrote:
To keep the story short:

I'm using version FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE #6: Thu Aug 25 09:12:43 CDT 2005;
pasted from the dmesg.boot file.

To the best of my knowledge, I'm using CVSup, pkgdb -F, and portupgrade
commands correctly.

But, I'm pretty sure I'm still overlooking and/or leaving something out.

I just discovered the portaudit command and ran it against my system.

It comes up with 15 items that need to be upgraded or deinstalled.

For this question I'll use Mozilla.

The version it reports is Mozilla-1.7.7,2.

When I go to http://www.freebsd.org/ports/index.html
<http://www.freebsd.org/ports/index.html>  and do a search for Mozilla, I
find that Mozilla-1.7.12,2 is the latest (stable) version.

I guess my question is this.

How do I use the FreeBSD tools, Ports/Packages, etc, to install this latest

Or am I missing the concept altogether ?

( I understand the process of downloading this latest version and installing
it manually. Just trying to understand and use the FreeBSD tools )

Thanks for any and all help,

Jim Wright

Columbus, Mississippi

28 Sep 2005


i recommend using portsnap instead of cvsup, especially if you update your ports tree often. then use portversion instead of pkg_version, it's much faster. and always and periodically run portaudit. you don't need your ports tree to be updated for portaudit to be effective, btw.

so based on what i said, here's a procedure to follow:

/usr/local/sbin/portsnap fetch
/usr/local/sbin/portsnap update
/usr/local/sbin/portversion -v -l "<"
/usr/local/sbin/portaudit -Fda

hope that helps.



ps: regarding mozilla, if it's not packaged on freebsd's ftp server (that is pkg_add doesn't help), you've got to install it from ports (that is to compile it).

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