On 10/3/05, Dinesh Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/01/05 00:08 Andrew P. said the following:
> > linuxthreads were only important on FreeBSD 4.x.
> > Starting with 5.x we have a more efficient threading
> > model. Extensive testing did not reveal any significant
> is this definitive, i.e. that on 5.x linuxthreads are worse off than native
> freebsd threads ? i'm not trying to be a troll, but over on the asterisk
> mailing lists, we're in the midst of discussing if /usr/ports/net/asterisk
> should be using linuxthreads or pthreads by default. on 4.x (which i'm
> still on), linuxthreads has oodles better performance than native pthreads,
> but i havent really done any testing on 5.x or 6.x.
> any advice here would be much appreciated.
> --
> Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                (0 0)    http://www.alphaque.com/
> +==========================----oOO--(_)--OOo----==========================+
> | for a in past present future; do                                        |
> |   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
> |   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
> | done; done                                                              |
> +=========================================================================+

Yes, it's definitely so. Google for a few minutes and
you'll see it for yourself. Stick with native threads.
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