> hi people first sorry for my english.
> i have a pc with only one etternet card connected to a router
> ( which provide both internet connection and dhcp service,
> in this machine i have configured a jail virtual server, the ip of the
> real server is and i have made a ip alias for the jail
> virtual server which is, i want that the virtual
> server respond all incoming connections from internet, i have
> configured natd with next option in /etc/rc.natd:
> redirect_port  tcp   22
> in /etc/firewall.rules:
> add divert natd all from any to any via rl0
> in /etc/rc.conf:
> natd_enable="YES"
> natd_interface="rl0"
> natd_flags="-l -f /etc/rc.natd"
> firewall_enable="YES"
> firewall_type="/etc/firewall.rules"
> firewall_script="/etc/rc.firewall"
> in the sshd of jail:
> KeepAlive yes
> UseDNS no
> my firewall is IPFW2, the configuration works well however often the
> conections is reset, i don't know what happen
> a scheme of my lan:
>     real ip
> INTERNET----------modem/router-------------------------  PC with run jail
>              alias ip
> any help is thank in avantage.

the solution:

in /etc/ssh/sshd_config   add following line:

VerifyReverseMapping no

thanks for all :)
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